Senators Rockefeller & Johnson Battle Over Whether Obamacare Opposition is Racist

Progressives will always pull the race card when they have no defense for the destruction obamacare and obama’s policies are having on this nation. It is their war cry to gin up their uninformed dependent base to help push radical policies. People oppose obamacare because they are being forced to buy it, have had their premiums and deductibles skyrocket, lost their doctors, seen a drop in quality of care they’ve been receiving and were blatantly lied to!

It would have been nice for Sen Johnson to call Rockefeller out and cite exactly how one is a racist for being opposed to obamacare over their premiums doubling if not tripling. Progressives cannot be given an inch when they make blanket statements. Republicans have continually fallen for this trap progressive demoncrats set, as proven in this video. Johnson is on the defense instead of going on the offense attacking Rockefeller to prove opposition is racist.

Let’s also remember obama IS NOT black he is half black and half white. When will we have the conversation about how RACIST the left is by denying his white half?? I guess that wouldn’t fly well with their push of a master indoctrination program, Common Core, where white privilege was one of the key motivators for its creation!