Sen Rubio: Obama Believes He’s Become a Monarch or an Emperor

There is an obvious pattern of behavior countless Americans have been screaming at the top of their lungs for people to hear. DC has sat idly by for far too long where they set a precedent, forget about the precedent obama has set, of allowing his majesty to act because they refuse to hold him accountable. Thanks to their complicity with this lawless president the US is clearly now in a post-Constitution state and under a soft tyranny/ dictatorship.

We are in this mess because guys like Rubio REFUSE to take action against obama. Look at how many have taken to the airwaves over the last few days but have you heard anyone talk about taking action against obama? Where there any emergency hearings or sessions late at night talking about what to do? NOTHING is being done and sorry to report but impeachment is off the table for a myriad of reasons Harry Reid being the biggest. Regardless they should at least go through the motions for historical record to show at least they tried. Doing nothing is no different from giving your blessing! Rubio should be the one leading the way to redeem himself for producing that destructive amnesty bill!