Sen Sessions Slams Bill Gates For Demanding More Guest Workers While Microsoft Lays Off Americans [Watch]

Billionaire elitists are just as much of a problem on the immigration battle as progressives seeking to legalize millions. Gates and company will fire Americans workers and then lobby for more migrant & illegal immigrants to come here so they can hire them at a cheaper rate. This is why there is real income inequality in the US. I’m not talking about employers paying a fair wage. They do/ did pay fair wages for said jobs but illegals are willing to work for less driving wages down! This then gives birth to the fallacy “Americans are not willing to take the jobs illegals are willing to take”. That is a lie pushed by those in favor of amnesty.

Illegals can take the lower paying job because they live in packs and share the living expenses! I know this as fact so I’m not even going to waste one breath debating anyone over it as I saw it for over 7 years in the banking industry. It’s not that John/Jane Homemaker doesn’t want a job, they are not in a position to accept a job that will cost them more money to have believe it or not! Their living expenses are much higher because they live in a 1-2 income household where as illegals, no kidding, will have anywhere from 4-6+ income household.

This is the kind of info elitists leave out when they open their big mouths living in their palaces. And the US Chamber of Commerce president Thomas Donohue isn’t helping matters by encouraging the “need” for more immigrant workers either. We have an entire system of progressives and elitists working against American citizens. How does it feel America to be second class citizens?