Aren’t you just dying to know who this woman went at great lengths to protect? There are undoubtedly emails to Lerner from someone high up in the obama regime to target conservatives… my money is on Sub-President Valerie Jarrett!
Will our DO NOTHING incompetent Congress do anything about this willful destruction of evidence in a Congressional investigation? Do not hold your breath! Mr Issa and company will probably hold another hearing proceeded with a few “harsh” letters to the DOJ and tv appearances where their will be plenty of finger waving saying “no, no, no”!
The nation is in full distress and no one who swore an oath to protect and defend against ALL ENEMIES foreign and DOMESTIC seems to care!
IRS Shocker: Filing Reveals Lerner Blackberry Destroyed
The device was wiped AFTER Congressional inquiry began
by Sidney Powell | NYObserver
The IRS filing in federal Judge Emmet Sullivan’s court reveals shocking new information. The IRS destroyed Lerner’s Blackberry AFTER it knew her computer had crashed and after a Congressional inquiry was well underway. As an IRS official declared under the penalty of perjury, the destroyed Blackberry would have contained the same emails (both sent and received) as Lois Lerner’s hard drive.
We all know by now that Lois Lerner’s hard drive crashed in June 2011 and was destroyed by IRS. The emails of up to twenty other related IRS officials were missing in remarkably similar “crashes,†leading many to speculate that Lois Lerner’s Blackberry perhaps held the key. Now, the Observer can confirm that a year after the infamous hard drive crash, the IRS destroyed Ms. Lerner’s Blackberry—and without making any effort to retain the emails from it.
Judge Sullivan has had to pry information from the IRS to learn anything about Ms. Lerner’s Blackberry. Now, with these latest revelations, I’m confident he’s not finished…more