The Great One unloaded on the failure in chief and I challenge anyone to point out where Levin is wrong. Every single bullet point he touched on he is 100% correct. Either this clown is bored with the job and doesn’t care or everything he is doing is deliberate. This guys failed foreign policy is getting people killed to leaving our border open to foreign invaders!
“… I don’t think we ever had a more pathetic commander-in-chief in our life. Does he not know what his policies are? What are his policies? What is his foreign policy? Can his people even tell us what is foreign policy is? Can he, can his Secretary of Defense or Secretary of State? Our enemies are on the move, they’re on the move because of him! Not because of the prior president not because of other presidents, not because of change James Buchanan, John Tyler or anybody else; because of him!
He’s hollowing out our military at the same time he’s telling the world what we’re not going to do. He’s playing golf, he’s on Martha’s Vineyard, he’s busy attacking republicans. The guy is not focused, he is disconnected from reality. We have a real problem in this country I don’t know what we do about it but people are suffering overseas they’re being wiped out, we have genocide going on, people are looking to the United States and I have to look to Martha’s Vineyard and they have to find him on the 9th hole!
I don’t know if he reads his intelligence reports, I don’t even know if he knows what’s going on. If he’s bored with the job whatever the hell the problem is, the world is on fire and this man doesn’t seem to give a damn!”
That said most people will agree everything he is doing is deliberate with one goal to destroy the US regardless of the price we pay. Emperor obama is on record that this country is too rich, interferes too much in world affairs. His end goal is to bring us down to be equal with third world countries, and you do that through the bullet points Levin hammers his majesty on. From hollowing out our military to creating anarchy on the border obama is laying the groundwork for collapse, which from the looks of it the GOP will take the fall for politically if/ when they have a majority after the midterm elections.
You would think moderates on both sides of the aisle would wake the hell up, come together and put a stop to this boyking. Instead both sides stand idly by blaming each other trying to make political points to gain power in Congress. And you know who is going to lose in the long run? We the people! The golfer in chief is driving the final nails in the nations coffin, that guys like Levin have been screaming for people to get off their asses and take action. When people finally wake up its going to be too late…