ISIS: Flames of War “We Fight in Order to Rule the Entire World” (Full Video)

North American ISIS fighter

[Video Here Graphic Content]

Why am I posting this piece of propaganda from the blood thirsty death cult? Know thy enemy and understand the obama administration has no clue what they are dealing with, these guys are going global…

“.. we only fight to bring back the Khilafah and to establish the shari’ah of Allah. We fight in order to rule the entire world with Allah’s revelation. Allah is our protector…”

The other reason is one of the key issues with this video that it is narrated by a North American and another makes an appearance at the end. Both speak perfect English so there is no doubt they are from N America. Some media outlets are suggesting they are Americans but as of now there is no way to verify that. We know over 100 Americans have gone over to Syria (Sham) to fight with ISIS. Democrat Rep Tim Bishop has warned 40 American ISIS fighters have already returned to the US and are being watched by the FBI!

But he and others in DC are saying there is no imminent threat or ISIS isn’t here. It seems no one can get their story straight which leaves all of us in danger, especially since the southern border is wide open. There have been intel bulletins released for law enforcement along the border to be on the lookout for terrorist activity that ISIS is active in Juarez Mexico. DC knows the threat is high but chooses to underestimate them!

I’m going to say something that may surprise many STR followers… obama is right to not want to put boots on the ground! I’ve watched countless videos of these monsters and how they fight. The guerrilla tactics they use are explosive, violent and fast-moving in small teams. A captured Syrian soldier digging his own grave states:

“They[IS] captured the 17th Division base in a matter of seconds. Even though there were 800 of us, and they only numbered in the dozens. Just a few dozen came in. Just a few dozen…. What do I mean by a few dozen? Like ten or twenty or thirty of them captured the base when it had 800 soldiers. The Free Syrian Army couldn’t capture it. No one was able to capture the base. But a few dozen fighters from the Islamic State captured the base.”

IS claims 70 killed when they took the base so whether there were 800 there or not cannot be verified. But fact is they took the base with a smaller number of fighters. This seems to be the case in all of their battles that we then see the aftermath of large number executions.

What this means is you cannot fight a guerrilla war with conventional armies and tactics. US troops, heck UK, German, Canadian, Saudi, Jordanian etc are all conventional armies.

First off to grant IS a ground war with boots on the ground would be giving them exactly what they want. You know inevitably an American soldier will be captured and beheaded for the world to see. So whatever coalition forces are assembled (doesn’t sound like much) should be engaged in nothing but airstrikes. These monsters want a ground war don’t give it to them, instead pound them relentlessly with airstrikes day and night. If anyone wants to send troops in then they better be troops trained in guerrilla warfare. This is not something you can deploy a platoon of SEALs or Green Berets in to handle. A large fighting force who can overwhelm IS in number that can blend in and fight using the same dirty tactics should be the only boots on the ground, and that’s after the airpower weakens them. Most importantly under no circumstances should prisoners be taken. We’ve seen what happens to prisoners under this administration… catch & release program!

“Finally, this is a message that we direct to America. Know, O defender of the cross, that a proxy war won’t help you in Sham just as it didnt help you in Iraq. As for the near future, you will be forced into a direct confrontation, with Allah’s permission, despite your reluctance. And the sons of Islam have prepared themselves for this day, so wait and see, for we too are also going to wait and see.” ~ Khalifah Ibrahim al-Badri