‘I’m an 82-year-old black senior citizen, grandmother and I voted straight republican because I have noticed in years what the democrat party has done to my people!’
Don’t know who she is but I luv Joyce and the fire she has against the democrat party. She has clearly seen the light out from the dark corner the race hustlers (Sharpton, J Jackson, Jackson-Lee, Cummings, Lewis, Holder, obama etc) have put many black Americans in, convincing them the “mean, angry, racist, white man” is the problem keeping them down. Joyce knows the truth that black Americans as well as middle class and impoverished Americans have been lied to and manipulated by democrats for decades and nothing has gotten better. They promise the world if you elect them but look at what they have done via Joyce’s epic rant against them:
Black unemployment is double the national rate
‘they advocate the killing of babies[abortion]’ (she RIPS Wendy Davis)
‘advocate taking from the doers and giving to the ones sitting doing nothing’
dems launched a full on attack against religion and Christianity by ‘taking God out of the platform’
(If she had more time I’m sure we would have heard more on economy, race, foreign policy etc)
Joyce even went as far as to call out the racists within the dem party who attack anyone who criticizes obama and then ripped into him before being cutoff!!
‘This man is destroying this country and it’s what he intended to do. He said he was going to transform America, and that’s what he is doing.’
One can only hope Joyce is the voice of many former dems like those who rose up against race hustler Al Sharpton last year. As I wrote last year conservatives should be seeking these people out helping them revolt against the progressive machine keeping minorities but all Americans down!