… We Need to Hunt Them Down
The FBI has confirmed the hack has originated from N Korea and Sony bowed down to them by pulling “The Interview”. Newt Gingrich is correct, this is an act of war and more or less a surrender, the first defeat in the cyber war waged against America. What should be more concerning to all Americans is how this surrender by Sony has set precedent to all our enemies around the world that all one has to do is hack an American company’s network, make some idle threats invoking 9/11 and “we” will back down.
There is only one thing to do to counteract this threat: “The Interview” must be “leaked” onto the web where it will be viewed EVERYWHERE rendering N Korea defenseless. The studio has already “scrapped” the movie so why not at this point!? Even Mitt Romney called for the movie to be released for free while asking for $5 donations to fight ebola!
.@SonyPictures don’t cave, fight: release @TheInterview free online globally. Ask viewers for voluntary $5 contribution to fight #Ebola.
— Mitt Romney (@MittRomney) December 18, 2014
What I am suggesting is in fact a form of Guerrilla Warfare, after all remember where you are! It’s not just people getting out of their comfort zone and doing the things that are uncomfortable in Saving the Republic, this philosophy goes for corporations too who are threatened. We may disagree with Sony’s politics or those of their actors, executives etc but threats made to them are threats made to Americans. We must stand firm and resist terrorism in any and all forms even with those we disagree with!
May I suggest a Twitter campaign (#SonyReleaseTheInterviewForFree) to encourage Sony to release “The Interview” on the web for free?! And that goes for Seth Rogan, James Franco and the cast & crew of the movie. Heck if U2 can afford to give an album away I’m sure Sony and those who made this movie could bite the bullet to show “we” will not be bullied, intimidated or terrorized by rogue nations!