The re-classification of terrorists continues throughout the obama regime with now the State Dept following in the white houses press secretary Propaganda Minster (and his deputy) footsteps. It is clear the attack in Kabul that killed 3 American contractors was a terrorist attack but Jen Psaki will not make the connection because of whatever master plan obama has put in motion. This refusal to call terrorists terrorist will continue until the taliban and other groups are looked at as hardened criminals most likely labeled simply as “extremists”. The bigger picture for this is to associate them in the same “box” as all of obama’s enemies aka YOU aka the TEA Party, conservatives, Christian conservatives, supporters of Israel, Constitutionalists, gun rights advocates etc all of whom are already called extremists.
This will open the door someday, most likely following a large-scale attack on US soil, for a crackdown of all extremists. This will mean it will be open season on not just the muslim extremists but all of the above “for national security” since we know Americans will demand “something has to be done”. It’s just a matter of time America…