Nye a mechanical engineer has moved up the progressive ladder because of his false crusade pushing global warming or cooling since the hoaxers can’t make up their minds they call it climate change. Now this fraud is an expert on economics and politics!
Climate changers of today are the flat-earthers of a few centuries ago. These people will be laughed at by future generations who understand this all to be what is called nature aka the weather. Sometimes it’s real hot, others cold, wet seasons, dry seasons, the planet is going through changes constantly they it is today it wasn’t millennia ago and it will be different millennia from now. Mankind is nothing but a small hash mark on a timeline, in the bigger picture we’re nothing but a brief memory! This CLOWN, and that is what you are Nye, wants to use redistribution of wealth more or less to force people to go green for the climate lies he is pushing.
Here is the question people need to be asking: WHO is Nye connected to? Who are the people he meets with on all of this, what are their motivations and politics? How much money is he being paid to push this crap science that was proven years ago to be a hoax? I think its time to tear this guys life apart as he is willing to do it us. It wouldn’t be surprising if he has rec’d a few fat checks from Al Gore or others lying about climate change while getting speaking advice from commie fmr Green Jobs Czar and self-avowed communist Van Jones. Did you listen closely to the language he used at the end? “Bottom up, top down”, the words of communists!
Yea so do like the man says get out there and vote mindless drones…