With no resistance from Congress, obama is making his next move, driving in final nails of fundamental transformation as he outlines his plans to force climate change policies on the US. Prepare for energy costs to skyrocket as he promised years ago…
This fight against rising CO2 gas levels is purely insane since this gas is needed for our survival! While obama and his climate changing cult, no different from flat-earthers, punish industry and the American people nothing is being done about the nations (ex China, India) who are truly polluting the atmosphere!
It is absurd to suggest man in a 100 years has the power to alter the atmosphere of a planet that is millions of years old surviving plagues, unimaginable volcanic activity, impacts from massive meteors and other space bodies! Even more absurd is to suggest driving up the costs of food, energy etc increasing taxes and levying regulations etc will reduce greenhouse gases that are a natural and needed for our survival. Without CO2 there is no O2 let alone everything else that depends on this gas to exist.
Don’t be surprised America you were warned that this beast was unleashed months ago…