Mike Huckabee on Kim Davis’ Release: I’m Willing to Go to Jail in Her Place

Rowan County, KY clerk Kim Davis has ignited a political firestorm not just over the issue of gay marriage but with govt officials upholding and breaking the law, and a Supreme Court that is completely out of control.

Some may or may not agree with Kim Davis’ actions, but here is what is really at issue: if this govt official is thrown in jail for refusing to follow the law and a court order then why wasn’t Eric Holder thrown in jail for being in contempt of Congress? Why are all the mayors and council members of sanctuary cities/towns not in jail? Why isn’t obama in jail for violating immigration law?

We have a major problem in this country where the rule of law is now selective. Those in power can pick and choose what laws they want to enforce and those they do not. Popular opinion now dictates what should and should be enforced. This is a clear sign we are a post-Constitutional Republic in need of new leadership.

While I’m not a fan of Huckabee’s you have to respect him for offering to go to jail over his beliefs. How many politicians and presidential candidates are prepared to go to jail over their beliefs? We need to choose leaders prepared to pay a price for what they believe in vs those who pander to the electorate & party violating their personal principles.