“The White House
Office of the Press Secretary
For Immediate Release September 10, 2015
Statement by the President
Today, the Senate took an historic step forward and voted to enable the United States to work with our international partners to enable the implementation of the comprehensive, long-term deal that will prevent Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon. This vote is a victory for diplomacy, for American national security, and for the safety and security of the world. For nearly two years, we negotiated from a position of strength to reach an agreement that meets our core objectives. Since we concluded these negotiations, we have had the most consequential national security debate since the decision to invade Iraq more than a decade ago. Over the last several weeks, the more members studied the details of this deal, the more they came out in support. Today, I am heartened that so many Senators judged this deal on the merits, and am gratified by the strong support of lawmakers and citizens alike. Going forward, we will turn to the critical work of implementing and verifying this deal so that Iran cannot pursue a nuclear weapon, while pursuing a foreign policy that leaves our country – and the world – a safer place.”
America are you writing everything down? Are you keeping track of the names and who did what because you’re living in historic times. These are the times people in the future will look back on and ask “how could they be so blind?” Future generations will look at America the same way we look back at how Neville Chamberlain praised his meeting with Hitler.
Many claim this iran nuke deal will avert war.. no it guarantees it, maybe not today or a year from now but a fight like no other is coming. ALL of you who are in favor of this deal have blood on your hands. The seeds of war have been planted.
There are no more exits, we’re going to go through the dark tunnel and it is going to get bad.