Fmr Intel Chief Flynn: Obama Admin Ignored ISIS Threat to Protect Re-Election Bid

No doubt Lt Gen Michael Flynn is telling the truth that the imperial regime ignored the intel of growing threat from ISIS. The election narrative we heard all the time was bin Laden is dead, al Qaeda is on the run. If anyone within the regime were to acknowledge the existence and growth of ISIS it would have blown that narrative out of the water.

Darth Hussein has no intentions of dealing with the death cult leaving them to be the next POTUS’ problem while blaming Bush, republicans and conservatives as he leaves office. The death and carnage he played a role in will never be pinned on him because of the praetorian stream media. Now you can see why his majesty was quick to remove any military leader who disagreed with his policies and agenda. No one was going to stand in the way of his re-election. Now he is on cruise control putting the final touches on fundamental transformation.