The Judge’s open was short, sweet and to the point calling for the end of political correct nonsense and warning Americans to have a plan against the threat of islamic radicals in the US. With obama and Lynch more concerned about not hurting someones feelings and wanting to take our right away over the actions of a few Pirro listed 5 things we need to do:
1) Buy a gun. Judge doesn’t care what you get (pistol, rifle, shotgun etc) just get one LEGALLY and get the proper training to use it. If you live in free state get licensed to conceal carry and start carrying and don’t let anyone change your mind.
2) Weaponize local police because they are the first line of defense against jihadists. This one has been questioned because of the amount of hardware and firepower police have access to. San Bernardino though demonstrated the heavy arms and armored vehicles are needed… this is tough one for sure which will leave many split.
3)Close the northern and southern borders and stop all visas. Malik proved if terrorists want to get into the US they will regardless if they come in legally or illegally. The last thing we need is a border wide open, and it’s quite hypocritical that the US is okay with other nations closing their border but we can’t close ours!
As for the visa program it has to be stopped until we have a head count as to who is here. Far too many come here on student visas or work visas that disappear. These people need to be found and deported before another person is let in. The vetting process must be revamped, Malik also demonstrated the system is flawed; the same govt who had no rush and plenty of time to vet her failed and they want to bring 85K refugees in! No sorry that debate is over as of Dec 2nd 2015.
4) Stop the refugee resettlement program. Pirro nailed this one, politicians only want refugees brought in so they can redefine the political demographics to stay in power. There is no benefit to the American people bringing refugees to the US.
The most controversial item was left for last
5) Accept the loss of some of our privacy! Pirro argues that had the NSA bulk metadata collection been left in place the San Bernardino terrorists may have come up on radar and stopped. Clearly this is Monday morning quarterbacking, while we want the govt to do its job to protect us we cannot give our rights for a little bit of security.
Pirro is right we are dangerous times. Obama and many others in DC proved they care more about politicizing a terror attack than taking the necessary steps to protect us. Progressives first response is take away gun rights, silence free speech, blame the victims while terrorists are killing us! This is insanity, these “leaders” are as much a threat to the American people as our sworn enemies.
We have to stay vigilant not only from terrorists and psychotic criminals but also defend against those in positions of power who put our safety in general for political points and advancing their radical agenda.