Protester Responsible For Secret Service Rushing Trump Away is Hillary Supporter

The web was stirring with people trying to ID who the protestor was at the Trump rally that caused Secret Service to rush the GOP candidate off stage. The protester has been ID’d as Austyn Crites of Reno, NV. Have you listened close to his explanation? Sounds pretty well rehearsed doesn’t it? NO true red-blooded republican is supporting Hillary Clinton. She is far worse than Trump and will ensure obama’s fundamental transformation is permanent.

cary-critesCrites Facebook page prior to the rally indicated he was a Hillary supporter before he was detained. After his facebook page was changed it was noted in his timeline under the flag image that was posted that Crites is a “devout republican” by his brother Cary. Since the time of this post Cary has yet to change his page out leaving the “H” logo intact over his picture like his brother had before his 15 minutes of fame began! Crites Facebook page has since been completely shut down so only a few screen shots remain.


Aside from the Clinton “H” logo on Austyn’s page, if you look close at the header you’ll see it reads:



So Trump was right when he taunted Crites being a Clinton supporter before Secret Service, Police and SWAT rushed in!

Crites by his own admission IS a Clinton supporter, the question we all have to wonder is was he in fact paid to be there as Trump suggested?! REMEMBER in the Project Veritas videos the schemers plants (“bird dogging”) were always in the front, and what do you know Crites was up in front!

Speaking of SWAT, who is to say this isn’t some perverted swatting incident to again put Trump supporters in a bad light? Go back and listen to his explanation again and this is why I ask…

WHO yelled “gun”? Answer this question and we’ll be closer to finding out if Crites was an upset “devout republican” now voting for Hillary (??makes no sense) or a democrat plant!

One last note, upon further research it turns out Crites showed up in a Wikileaks search under the Global Intelligence/ Stratafor leak. There is nothing tying him to the Podesta leak, so don’t believe everything you read. It would be nice to connect the dots that easily but dems are good at covering their tracks.