Maxine Waters: Pres Trump is “The Most Deplorable Person” (Video)

When failing MSNBC hosts want to boost their ratings they put Maxine Waters on to throw red meat out to their viewers. In no coincidence, Waters was pulling the race card on Pres Trump, just as Hillary Clinton and CNN’s Jim Acosta. All were using almost identical language, invoking “dog whistle” and the outlandish claim Trump is connected to white supremacists. Why? Because these people have nothing left to stand on.

Trump was clear his free speech about the NFL’s “free speech” had nothing to do with race but respect to our flag and anthem. Waters and other progressives conveniently leave that out claiming he was targeting black players. The Russian collusion and obstruction of justice conspiracies failed, so the Left goes back to racism. These people are weak and desperate and that makes them dangerous, especially with the influence they have on supporters.

All these Leftist elitists are doing is guaranteeing the level of violence will continue to rise, where another Alexandria is inevitable.