Chuck Schumer took some low swipes at the NRA and GOP claiming if he could talk to the dead Las Vegas victims they would want the NRA stopped. Meanwhile Hillary Clinton appeared on Jimmy Fallon and of course she took shots at the GOP over their ties to the NRA, because apparently all the mass shootings are the NRA’s fault. Leftists are masters of language.. propaganda who can make the clapping seals cheer anything. But as Clinton trashed the GOP and NRA she set herself, democrat party and Leftists for that matter up to have the same logic thrown at them by Rush Limbaugh.
Clinton lied about the bill that would’ve blocked the mentally ill. The bill was unconstitutional and penalized ANYONE under mental health care. For example, under this anti-gun obama bill, someone seeking counseling over depression for say a divorce or death of a loved one or troops suffering PTSD could be denied purchasing a weapon! That is why the bill was killed by Trump! Did Hillary make that clear? Of course not. Does Fallon know the details? Pfft no, no one in Hollywood knows anything except what they’re told by DC.
Rush rightfully went after the two for unprofessionalism, lying and being “totally sold to the abortion lobby”. Democrats want to throw bombs at repubs then they better be prepared for truth bombs. The NRA hasn’t killed anyone, where as Planned Parenthood racks up approx 320,000 abortions, aka killing babies, per year.
Yes, the Las Vegas attack was bad, but the NRA didn’t do it, Paddock did and everything he bought was bought legally. The GOP had nothing to do with it either, and they don’t always do what the NRA wants. The GOP does whats best for them not country.
Clinton and Schumer are owned by the abortion lobby, they should be called out for making such an outlandish statements, if only we had a media outlet to do that!