Democrats are not happy over how their impeachment trial went. They are all saying the same exact talking points that it was not a real trial, because there weren’t any witnesses, and an acquittal doesn’t count!
The House impeachment hearings (equiv to a grand jury) had 18 witnesses, all chosen by the democrats which resulted in the House dems voting in favor of articles of impeachment (aka indictments). At the Senate trial 192 clips of testimony from 13 witnesses was introduced along with 28,000 documents! The Senate (aka jury) heard all they needed to hear from the prosecutors (aka House Impeachment Managers) who voted today they don’t need any more witnesses, documents or testimony.
As for the acquittal, they’re right and wrong. Dems are right an acquittal doesn’t count because there were no CRIMINAL CHARGES against Pres Trump! How can you have a trial without a crime!? They’re wrong because they got their shot to take out Donald Trump and failed. They had more than enough time to investigate him, hell they say a word about the $40M Mueller investigation because it produced NOTHING! Let’s not forget after House dems voted to impeach Nancy Pelosi sat on the articles for a month, a month they could have continued their witch hunt and call anyone they wanted to testify.
Remember always when you see these clips, this is all campaign propaganda NOT FOR YOU but to win over uninformed voters who won’t have a clue about the specifics. That’s all this is about, getting those votes to take over the Senate while holding onto the House, so dems can impeach Trump and Pence in 2021!