More and more doctors are speaking out against the pandemic lockdown rules, calling out the hypocrisy or favoritism local and state govts have instituted hurting small business owners.
This video from a May 5th rally in Riverside, California features Dr Jeff Barke who questions “the experts” (ie Fauci, Birx, WHO etc) about quarantining, wearing masks over their effectiveness to fight the bug, and how “thousands of physicians across the country” who speak out are being silenced if “we don’t agree with the mainstream media and the experts who are telling us what to do.”
Barke makes great points over how American’s rights are being violated, for example denying churchgoers to exercise their First Amendment rights as churches remain closed, while pot shops are open! Or how gun stores are closed preventing people from exercising their Second Amendment right while criminals are cut loose from jail. How is it big box businesses, that get a lot of foot traffic, can be open yet small convenience stores, corner markets, barber shops, salons and other small businesses are forced closed?!
Nothing has made sense over how the people in power have been handling this “pandemic”. The shutdown itself is unnecessary. Arrogant leaders think we’re all stupid and we don’t know how to take extra precautions, the simplest practicing strict personal hygiene – washing hands frequently, not touching our faces outside the home, creating a little more space between each other.
Dr Barke and other doctors are on the frontlines, they know what’s really going on and they know medicine. The people in power work off of computer models using failed stats suggesting 2M will be dead, but change 1 value using social distancing and that number becomes 60K! Safe to say people “in charge” with questionable ties are not acting in our best interests by terrorizing us that going back to the way things were will kill us. No, it won’t, just be more careful and wash your hands!
Barke is right it is time for the people to reign in the govt as these tyrannical rules are unjustified. If EVERYONE goes back to how things were they can’t arrest us all!