Here Are The 9 Republicans Who Voted With Democrats For Amnesty

#1 It is a FEDERAL CRIME to enter the US without proper authorization, per 8 U.S. Code § 1325

#2 DREAMers, regardless of how they got here and age, ARE ILLEGAL ALIENS.
#3 Here is Jim Jordan spelling out one of the worst things buried in the bill…

“This bill gives amnesty to 3 million illegals and uses American tax dollars to help those same illegals apply for the amnesty! I mean the disrespect that the democrats have for the American taxpayer, it’s astounding”

No Congressman it’s not disrespect, it’s pure hate fueled by socialist’s obsession with money and power they know they can only gain from giving amnesty to illegals. They are in the process of California-ing the USA. They don’t seem too concerned with the pandemic either do they as they push this garbage through… again you’re seeing WHY troops are still in DC. These monsters KNOW what they’re doing is wrong and anticipate causing a breaking point with the American people as they destroy America.

Now here are the 9 TRAITOROUS republicans who voted with the socialists to reward criminal behavior:

Bacon (NE)
Valadao (CA)**
Upton (MI)*,**
Salazar (FL)
Newhouse (WA)**
Fitzpatrick (PA)*
Smith (NJ)*
Gimenez (FL)*
Diaz-Balart (FL)

Some of these names should look familiar as they’ve voted with socialists on this bill back in 2019 and just recently for *gun control and ** impeaching Pres Trump!
(Florida you are in DEEP TROUBLE with all the progressives who have gained power under the GOP moniker.)

Run these bastards out of office. Melt down their phones, crash their email server, set up camp at their offices, make their lives miserable but keep it civil within the rule of law, there’s a lot you can get away with, just do what Leftists do!

Another immigration bill is up for a vote at the time of this post being authored, so more names will more than likely be added.

“H.R.6, the American Dream and Promise Act of 2019, is actually two amnesty bills that leadership decided to package together. The first bill in this package is the Dream Act of 2019, which would grant amnesty to illegal aliens who entered the United States as minors and benefits roughly 3 million illegal aliens. The second is the American Promise Act, which would grant amnesty to people who were allowed to remain in the United States under Temporary Protected Status (TPS) because of political turmoil or natural disaster in their homelands. The fact that we already have fulfilled our promise of temporary protection, and they have reneged on their promise to return home, does not seem to register with anyone in this alternative universe.” ~The Hill