Pelosi Hosts Maskless Fundraiser While “Rome is Burning”


This country is being overrun along the southern border. Hardworking Americans are getting hammered from inflation. American citizens have been left for dead in Afghanistan. The bug continues to be weaponized for power and control against all of us while progressives cancel anyone who isn’t following the protocols, that radicals like Nancy Pelosi are demanding… “Rome is Burning” while this monster, hosting a fundraiser in Napa where as you can see attendees are maskless and sitting right on top of each other, not maintaining proper social distancing, parties with the elites!

As you watch this keep in mind Pelosi has threatened members of the House with fines and arrest for not wearing masks. It’s all a show folks, these people don’t believe a word they’re saying. Masks, social distancing, getting a shot are all just forms of control to see how far they can go. If the Left were serious about the bug the southern border would be sealed today.

The Founders gave us the plan on how to deal with Despots, what are you waiting for someone else to take the lead? It’s not going to happen, that person you’re waiting for is staring right back at you when you look in the mirror.