Democrat Rep, Joyce Beatty took a page from the old guys playbook demonizing anyone who opposes the democ… communist party’s “voter rights” bill saying they (You) are evil!
Yes, you’re evil for opposing their desire to takeover of our election system and have permanent one party rule over America, as the commies have successfully achieved in California.
You know why they’re saying crap like this to calling people racists for opposing them? They know there is a high probability they could lose A LOT of House seats, maybe some Senate seats too, in the midterm elections. So they’re setting the narrative the election was stolen, the GOP cheats blah blah you know the drill. Oh and also keep in mind whatever they accuse the right of being they in fact ARE.
The commies are RACISTS, BIGOTS, and pure evil – their actions prove this time after time.
Dunno how you’re gonna do it America, but you better find a way to win supermajority power this November. Unfortunately the useless GOP has done nothing to prevent the election steal of 2020 from happening again so don’t get your hopes up too high.