Netanyahu Red Line at the United Nations

Netanyahu draws a red line on where the world should stand against Iran getting enough nuclear material to make a working bomb. For those who defend Iran’s right in getting a bomb using the “other nations have them” excuse let me make something abundantly clear.

The difference between Iran having the bomb vs say Russia is that Russians do not sponsor terrorists or have their own people walking/ driving into populated areas with bombs strapped to their bodies killing in the name of their god. Russians do not believe in the 12th Imam, the Mahdi, and are not trying to hasten his return by instigating chaos around the world. Ahmadinejad believes in these things, and his time in power is winding down as he is on his last term as president!

When the Iranians have enough material for a bomb they WILL USE IT! If you think they are spending all this time to develop a weapon only to set it off in the desert as a show of power you are living in fantasy land. They will not spend all this time developing enough material for a bomb to waste it. They will run a live test firing of a nuclear weapon. It will not be fired from a missile, it will be loaded in the back of a truck, van or into the trunk of a car. Said vehicle will be driven into a major city and the bomb will be set off.

Russians, Pakistanis, Indians, N Koreans etc etc have nuclear weapons but won’t use them because they are not driven by a radical religion death cult that embraces death and destruction as a pathway to heaven like islam!