Anti-Gun Protest Gets Hijacked Into Pro-Gun Rally
Ha! I’d like to think maybe someone took a look at and put a spin on STR Tactic #10 Redirect the Topic… Hijack the Event. This is probably one of the most effective ways to…
Ha! I’d like to think maybe someone took a look at and put a spin on STR Tactic #10 Redirect the Topic… Hijack the Event. This is probably one of the most effective ways to…
I warned you America the Martin/Zimmerman ruling would empower the left! This piece of propaganda is a disgrace and since no one knows what happened it becomes fact in the eyes of the uninformed class….
What a freaking hypocrite! Carrey blasts the gun industry after Sandy Hook but what about all the mass killings prior to Newtown? Fact is this jerk jumped on the anti-gun bandwagon got taken to the…
Before he starts blaming his opposition this dunce should sit down with Dingy Reid seeing that he is the one who pulled Frankfeinsteins bill. This is all smoke and mirrors and he knows it, he…
Insane logic from an insane dude to compare lock picking and jumping over cars with guns, magazine capacity and how criminals do not follow the laws. I guess its easy for it to use this…
The emperor is excellent at working the system to get his way. There is no way he and the left will give up on the gun grab. If anything he is campaigning for the coming…
Shame on any police officer who agrees to be USED like a prop to help the pharaoh advance his anti-gun/ anti-Second Amendment agenda. If any of them had a set they would tell the regime…
“It makes me realize, once again, that the system is really orchestrated to protect the cowards in this country.” She of all people should appreciate ones ability to arm themselves to defend against armed attackers…
Gutfeld continues to hammer away at loser Hollywood hypocrite Jim Carrey, but I love how he took it a step further to say Hollywood hates middle America! Boycott Carrey and all the anti-Constitution dopes in…
Couldn’t this “raid” on Shawn Moore and his family be considered a form of SWATing? The left is hell bent on making people fearful of even the sight of a weapon.