Rush: Hillary Clinton Not Wanting Marines At Benghazi ‘Makes Perfect Sense’
Hillary and emperor 0 hate the military IMO, so like Rush says it makes perfect sense!
Hillary and emperor 0 hate the military IMO, so like Rush says it makes perfect sense!
You have probably heard this before but in the Watergate scandal there were no deaths, it resulted in a President resigning and people going to jail all over a cover up of break-in and wiretapping…
Barry’s fault… I can live with that!
These clowns cannot get their facts story straight and are hiding something… This White House is so arrogant they are lying to the people’s face and NO ONE in DC on the “right” is doing…
The Lt Col always speaking from the heart! I’d like to chime in on this UN Resolution 1618 he mentioned to say islam can BITE ME! Better yet I’d like to see someone with a…
Ellison is another uninformed dope in DC who needs to start reading the news! They knew they knew for 48 hours!
Deputies have already been called out to his home…. If anything happens to this guy invoking his first amendment rights, his blood will be on the governments hands. ……… CBS DC WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal…
Pinch me I must be dreaming that a lib is speaking out against the OSM and imperial regime!
What the hell are they suppose to use harsh language? This regime under Emperor Zero is systematically destroying the US inside and outside its borders. He is burning every bridge that took years even decades…
Lt. Col knows and understands what’s going on in the middle east and how it should be dealt with. I agree we should pull American diplomats out of these trouble zones, but more importantly remove…