NRA President: Obama And Feinstein Are Selling Guns Not Us
I like the how Crowley tries to twist reality that it is in fact the emperor and leftist gun grabbers “ginning up the fear” and not the NRA.
I like the how Crowley tries to twist reality that it is in fact the emperor and leftist gun grabbers “ginning up the fear” and not the NRA.
She’s right! I say people (conservative writers, bloggers, etc) should just start doing what she is suggesting here. The lunatic left will do it in a heartbeat. Start exposing the other side, start playing dirty…
Is nothing sacred anymore? You try to enjoy a day off from this nightmare reality we live in only to have that little piece of entertainment taken away! AMC has scrubbed the “The Walking Dead”…
A musket and a pistol of 1776 were considered at the time state of the art weaponry. Those weapons are no different from any semi-auto pistol and AR-15 of today FACT! That is why the…
People need to start taking responsibility and stop blaming machines (video games, guns etc) for their actions. This is the 24/7 narrative of the radical left blame things or people and then pass laws against…
Nothing is beyond the emperor, as he was taught and taught the end justifies the means.
(good luck if you can get through this without blood shooting out of your eyes) Blaming the NRA for a lunatic is just typical of this corrupt treasonous network. How much do you make Larry…
MOLON LABE bitch! Sporting goods chain suspends sale of certain semi-automatic after shooting (CNN)— Dick’s Sporting Goods, one of the largest sporting goods retailers in the world, says it has removed all guns from its…
Uh huh and what proposal will they come up with to make criminals start following whatever rules, regs, laws they come up with?! I assume they are also going to go into crazyville in trying…
These dopes don’t even know what they are talking about. What’s a high capacity clip? There are high capacity magazines no clips… you see this IS the point of the argument. These people hear things…