Someone in the illegitimate regime posted this statement to the individual occupying the White House official and personal twitter accounts… The rule is now simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do….
Someone in the illegitimate regime posted this statement to the individual occupying the White House official and personal twitter accounts… The rule is now simple: get vaccinated or wear a mask until you do….
Political Activist FAKE NEWS propagator Jim Acosta had his bluff called today during Pres Trump’s Rose Garden address announcing his National Emergency declaration to build the border wall. Acosta questioned POTUS whether the crisis…
After a border deal was agreed on Nancy Pelosi was asked about Trump’s response that he will sign the deal but also declare a National Emergency in order to get the funding he needs…
This is our theme song! What happened to us that we have allowed ourselves to get right back under the same tyranny, but this time by our own elected representatives and president? When will this…
In his last Afterburner of 2011, Bill Whittle takes a look at the state of this country three years into Obama’s rule and has amassed a list of breathtaking failures bound to stun and/or depress…