Obama to ACORN in 2007: ‘You Know That You’ve Got a Friend in Me’
The treasonous mainstream media has yet to cover the Emperors, admitted, relationship with this radical group. What are their spinoffs up to today?
Illegal Aliens Get BILLIONS in Tax Refunds
Illegal immigrants could get $7.4 Billion in tax credits!
Arapaio Says Obama’s Birth Certificate is Forged
Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio has been investigating President Barack Obama’s birth certificate and announced Tuesday that his investigation shows it is a fraud. Smokescreen to keep eyes off the Emperors legal identity…
DNC Spokeswoman Admits Some Stimulus Money Was Spent Overseas
Know what? Don’t care that it’s only 22 secs, says enough to me that I couldn’t careless what else was discussed related to this stimulus bailout. This has to stop and it wasn’t just the…
IRS Tax Examiner Exposes Fraud Within IRS
Illegals/ undocumented workers, tax credits, refunds they aren’t entitled to…. use your imagination! What do you expect from the most corrupt regime in US history! This guy is already feeling it and you can be…
Star Parker: Voter ID Laws are NOT Racist
We know this is an attempt by the regime to PERMIT voter fraud. Since such a small percentage of Americans vote, voter fraud has a large affect on the results. Simple solution America to this…
DC Voter Fraud: “Ben Jealous”, “Bill Maher”, and “David Brock” Offered Ballot in Nation’s Capitol
Of course nothing will be done about this, O’Keefe and crew will be under investigation by the very busy DOJ under the supervision of Eric Holder for committing voter fraud! Heck look at it they…