USA Today Gallup Swing States Poll: Romney and Obama Tied
USA Today By Susan Page WASHINGTON – Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney essentially ties Barack Obama in the nation’s top dozen battlegrounds, a USA TODAY/Gallup Swing States survey finds, while rival Newt Gingrich now trails…
Newt Gingrich South Carolina Primary Victory Speech – No More Bowing to Saudi King
” I want America to become so energy independent that no American President ever again bows to as Saudi King
Newt Gingrich On Obama: “I Don’t Want To Bloody His Nose, I Want To Knock Him Out”
MSNBC Liberal Claims This is the Best Economic Recovery of Our Lifetime
“Obama has turned around an economy which was contracting at -6% a year”! This guy claims we are creating 200,000 jobs a month! Yea well I’m still long term unemployed buddy with 15 years work…
Sarah Palin Appears on Sean Hannity’s Fox News Show to Discuss Iowa Caucus Results, Future of GOP and Obama
Rush Limbaugh – We’re Not Blue States And Red States Anymore It’s White States And Black States
Jeb? David Brooks Says Bush III Candidacy Still Possible
Ummmmm.. no chance in hell
Mark Levin – I Can Not Vote For Ron Paul
Levin speaks the truth, Pauls foreign policy is blame America first and dangerous for America. He isn’t a conservative he is a libertarian opportunist.
Rush Limbaugh: ‘Ron Paul Has Nothing To Do With The Tea Party’
LOVE IT!!! Gallup Poll I believe Rush was referring to