Newt Gingrich Schools Ron Paul Ideology on Founding Fathers: “I Don’t Think ‘Liberty’ Means Libertine”
Major Garret Tries to Get Newt Gingrich to Throw Mitt Romney Under the Bus
Garrett showing us who he really is! Working for Fox was probably driving him insane hiding his true feelings in always wanting to hit people with gotcha questions or to incite fueds between people. I…
Newt Gingrich Schools CBS National Journal Moderator On Rules Of War Nullifying Ron Pauls Position On Assassination List
Newt Gingrichs explanation here…. Gingrich Lectures combative debate moderator on rules of war … nullifies Ron Pauls position on assassination; re Al Awlaki. Begin watching at 3:00 If you are engaged in acts of war…
Gingrich Moves Into Top Tier of GOP 2012 Candidates
From Fox News Newt Gingrich has moved into the top tier of Republican presidential candidates, according to two national polls released Friday. The rise of the ex-House speaker comes as other candidates in the race…
CNN Western Republican Presidential Debate
Check back often for addl vids from tonight’s debate… Santorum Blasts Romney on Health Care: ‘You Just Don’t Have Credibility’ Romney, Perry At Each Other’s Throats Over Health Care, Immigration Knives Are Out For ‘9-9-9’…