OccupyDC Students Protest Sallie Mae
So they blame the lender like most fools in this Occupy movement. Last time I checked Sallie Mae doesnt offer basket weaving 101 as a major. FLEAs need to direct their anger toward the universities…
The Tea Party Stole Don’t Tread on Me #occupychicago
Tea Partier Forced to Break Down Flag Pole! Occupy Protesters Given Free Range
Paul Ryan: I have no problem with Occupy Wall Street protests
All good points Paul BUT maybe you should get informed before you speak out and understand WHO is behind this grass doormat movement! Fact that this thing is all planned and organized by the radical…
Communist Party U.S.A. in Solidarity with Occupy Chicago
“This Is A Marxist Revolution That’s Global In Nature!” Beck to O’Reilly
“American Flag Represents Death” Chiacgo Anti-war Protest
Take note at the end where she talks about all the unions involved.
Occupy DC Protest: Violent Liberal Progressive Terrorists Storm Smithsonian – Pin Guard Against Wall
“shame on you” they chanted toward the MUSEUM!? Please someone explain to me what a museum has to do with these imbeciles issues with the govt & banks? All they did was terrorize, thus the…