Tom Donilon
Rush: Obama’s Rice and Power Appointments Are The ‘Epitome Of Danger’, An ‘F-U to Us’
Great tough love from Rush! Rush uses a great analogy that demonstrates exactly what emperor 0 is up to. Appointing people who are just like him to get what he wants done without ever saying…
MSLSD: Susan Rice ‘One of the Most Brilliant Minds Alive’
If she is so brilliant why did she lie on 5 different networks about Benghazi? Lefty loons I hope you’re taking notes because what you own are getting away with will happen someday under a…
Pat Caddell Names National Security Advisor Tom Donilon As Source For Top Security Leaks
I’d like to know how are these leaks, putting US military and interests in greater danger, and “aiding” our enemies is not deemed as treason? Where is Congress as a whole to take the…