DNC Chair Hammered On Obama Avoiding Tough Questions

This is the talk of the day, “why isn’t the president speaking to the press?” Debbie Was-a-man Schultz babbles with nothing of substance to say to MSLSD’s proggie monster Andrea Mitchell.

Here ladies I’ll make it easy for you as to why his highness is dodging the press. You see when he talks to the press he is asked questions he is not prepared for. This means his “boss” the teleprompter cannot give him the right things to say. The Emperor speaking on the fly says very stupid things, lies (given away when he stutters), be truthful and say something insanely radical or in general will show how clueless he is on a subject and talk about something different in response.

It’s dangerous for him to speak openly not knowing the questions in advance without a prepared response! That’s why he is dodging the press!