0bama on New Jobs Report: ‘That’s Not Good Enough We Know It’s Not Good Enough’

So he will continue with his insane policies torpedoing this economy and country! Four more years of this clown and unemployment will “drop” as another 88.9 million people will be dropped from the work force to be added to the already 88.9 million who have been written off!!

People, the man has never had a real job! Thats not a lie, misinformation or personal attack (Alan Colmes)! It’s a fact, he has no real world job experience, no clue what he is doing and the dopes around him have no clue either! They are all bookworms and bureaucrats who never held real jobs either.

The USA is like a massive corporation, would you as a stockholder elect an intern with a law degree to run your multi-billion dollar company?

Fire him in November!