In 8 years the interest on the debt will reach $1 trillion… per year! The nation is broke meanwhile his majesty is asking for four more years after adding $6 trillion to the debt all the other presidents since Washington have racked up! Blame Bush all you want but understand that when Bush left the debt was $10 trillion, everyone from Washington up.
In just under four years under the imperial regime that progressive thing and his minions have added $6 trillion. It took this nation 217 years (1791) to rack up $10T, Obama and company racked up 60% of that in 3.75 years!!!
Yea yea Bush added $5T in 8yrs… EIGHT years $5T… 3 years 9 mos 3 days $6T! There’s no comparison no matter how much ppl want to pull the blame Bush card. BTW Bush isn’t POTUS anymore, so stick it in your pipe and smoke it!
So can someone to explain to me why this guy should get another four years?