4 Straight Years Of Trillion Dollar Deficits
Bush’s fault, so the Emperor and the demoncrats logic to resolve the debt problem is to bury the nation under more debt! ……. CBO Puts 2012 Deficit at $1.1 Trillion CNBC/AP A new estimate puts…
Bush’s fault, so the Emperor and the demoncrats logic to resolve the debt problem is to bury the nation under more debt! ……. CBO Puts 2012 Deficit at $1.1 Trillion CNBC/AP A new estimate puts…
Sen. John Barrasso responds to the Emperors weekly address… “The undeniable truth is, President Obama is on track to have the worst jobs record of any President since World War II. When the President was…
Keep this visual in your head while the Emperor speaks tonight (whether you subject yourself to water-boarding by watching it or not). He promised the first time around to cut the deficit and spending but…
So it actually hit $16T friday, the rate of accumulation is speeding up… There was no mention of it yesterday at the DNC convention. Do you know why? They couldn’t careless thats why!
In 8 years the interest on the debt will reach $1 trillion… per year! The nation is broke meanwhile his majesty is asking for four more years after adding $6 trillion to the debt all…
OSM wants to focus on the birther joke because they know there is no defense to the $6 trillion debt his majesty has racked up in 3.5 yrs.
$16 trillion in debt and there isn’t enough money in the entire world to pay it off!
Following Sen. Marco Rubio’s letter soon to be the headline everywhere that the gov’t will be out of money again. Our debt will be increased to over $16 trillion, Obama and Bernanke will just run…