Challenge to Mitt Romney

With the news of Hostess closing its doors many people are upset. Obviously the 18,500 employees who will be losing their jobs to the kids who will no longer be getting their Twinkies fix.

Not much can really be done about a company going under but maybe there is! At Bain Capital Mitt Romney created businesses and brought some back from the dead. So Mr. Romney I have a challenge for you. It won’t do much post-election but it will be a nice way of you getting the last word in against those who have attacked and criticized you.

I challenge you to do what you do best! Step in and very publicly bring back Hostess Brands! Surely through your experience and vast network of business advisors and financial gurus could turn this company around, regardless of it closing as of today. Be very public in this task bring jobs back and put those treats so many Americans love and grew up on back on the shelves.

During this process keep the public informed as to how and what you are doing. The negotiations, changes you are making, cite areas that helped the business collapse and how you are doing it differently. You were attacked viciously at times for what you did at Bain. So why not give the people a front row seat to what really happens; the good and the bad. Hopefully, when things are turned around you will in fact have created jobs and put product back on the shelves. Following the success you should make a simple public televised statement of turning a failed business around using it as an example of what the nation is experiencing and what needs to be done to turn things around. Then right before you complete your statement, you look straight into the eyes of America and say:

“Imagine what I could have done in four years as president”

Then just walk away back to your private life.

“Why should I” you are thinking? I ask why not? No, you are not a man who seeks revenge but you are a business man who cares. As a presidential candidate you wanted to help businesses and create jobs, restore America to its graces. You were a competitive business man you can’t tell anyone you wouldn’t mind getting that last “I told you so” jab in! Many to this day question your intentions, so why not one last time show the American people who you really are. Lets be honest many don’t know all the small personal stories about you going out of your way from paying for milk for a VA hospital to stopping operations to help find a lost child.

Saving a “cherished” American business would be a great demonstration to everyone who was against you that you weren’t just all talk. You cared then and you care now.. right? It would also make those thinking twice about who they listen to and vote for in the future.

So what do you say Mitt? One more time?