Dealer Lashes Out at Obama Regime Over AR-15 PMAGs Going Out of Stock Nationally

Saw this over at Gateway Pundit. This dealer invoked his First Amendment rights to say what many of us are feeling.

urbanertslings pmag comment

It’s because of the Second Amendment this anger can be expressed. The imperial regime along with the radicals that infest this nation like a virus HATE THE CONSTITUTION. They especially HATE the Second Amendment because it is the last defense in our system of checks and balances from a tyrannical government.

I mean this when I say it folks this gun debate is about the destruction of the Constitution, whatever legislation is being planned cannot be permitted to get through.

Once again I’d like to point out all you dopes that voted third party or stayed home Nov 6th instead of casting a vote for Romney can go straight to hell! This IS your fault! You, yeessss YOU empowered the radical left and this joke of a president.