DNC Chief Was-a-man Schultz: Voters Rejected Tea Party “Extremism”

Hate hearing and seeing this stuff, yeah? Blame the 1-2 million that voted third party and 2-3 million that sat home Nov 6th who completely and totally EMPOWERED the left.

Thank you so much for not voting/ throwing away your vote! DeMint has spelled out why he is leaving and in a way this propagandist is right! The drop seen this past election is a good example why he is leaving to build up a counter coalition. HOWEVER, you selfish ego maniacs have made that job of restoring this nation and taking it back next to impossible in our lifetimes!

It has taken the left 100 years to get where they are, by handing the Emperor a second term more damage will be done in the next four years than the last four. Obamacare for instance will be next to impossible to get out of the system when it’s fully implemented. You know this, you have heard more than you need to on the subject. Well apply that knowledge to everything else up to including the power and reach of the media and destroyers like Wasserman Schultz!