Tourettes Attacks Gun Owners, Soldiers, and Police in Anti-Gun Rant

This clown is a disgusting example of a low life progressive. Go tell a soldier or someone in law enforcement Tourettes they have no courage!

I’m sure this dope one time or another has had armed security and there is security over at MSLSD that are armed with guns. Every month many NRA members receive the American Rifleman magazine. There is a section in it called “the armed citizen”, where there are stories of Americans invoking their Second Amendment rights protecting themselves, family and property from harm.

You never hear any of these stories in the OSM, instead we are subjected to lowlife scum like Tourettes demonizing gun owners. This f-king hypocrite needs to be reminded had it not been for armed citizens he would have freedom of speech along with all the other freedoms spelled out in the Constitution.

I’m sick of these lying hypocrites they need to be called out on their ignorance.