Sen Sessions: Reid Blocking Amendments, Attempting To Seize ‘Procedural Control’ Over Immigration Bill

Why the rush? What is the purpose of rushing this bill through except for the novelty of having it passed right before the Fourth of July; which its passing will be an insult to all Americans?

Anyone who votes in favor of RubioCare is an enemy of the state voting against the Constitution and securing the border. These traitors are putting every Americans life in danger! I don’t know of anyone who is capable of reading a 1000+ pages in 2-3 days able to comprehend it fully esp one written in legalese!

America it is YOUR job to get these traitors out of office ASAP. Senators McCain and Flake are already looking at potential recall elections over this. I hope many Americans are planning similar actions against the others who push this ILLEGAL ALIEN amnesty bill on the nation.

All you people in NV, who are unemployed, losing your homes etc you are to blame for this bill too btw. You have allowed Reid, who has worked against you and is screwing this entire nation, to stay in power.