Rush: Powers That Be ‘Totally Invested In A Guilty Verdict’ In GZ Case, There’s No Question People Are Planning To Riot

Those powerful forces Rush is talking about is the crap media, the imperial emperor, Holder and the DOJ. I didn’t waste the time posting it a few days ago but there was an MSLSD segment where the hosts and guests were all bummed out that there might be an acquittal. These radicals want the worst case scenario and acting like “oh gee whiz” is nothing but an act! The left thrives off of chaos, and his majesty knows through violence comes absolute power!

I think the monsters will riot either way too! If GZ is found guilty they will riot because this nation is sooo racist and there is no justice. If he is convicted, of probably manslaughter, the little monsters will still tear up a few blocks in joy (like dopes do after a championship win) but rage because it wasn’t 2nd degree murder.

Some will riot because they are just plain miserable evil people… “Because some men aren’t looking for anything logical, like money. They can’t be bought, bullied, reasoned or negotiated with. Some men just want to watch the world burn.