Right out of the gate this Setzer twit pulls the Bush card! REALLY? It’s 5 years later and this is the best defense progressive lap dogs can come up with? Have you noticed all the libs who get torched are always laughing like everything going on is a joke! I don’t think this POTUS wasting tax dollars, people getting killed over seas, govt agencies being used to attack US citizens etc are a joke!
This Setzer character cannot handle the truth so all she can do is talk over Loesch who is armed with facts. Progressives hate when facts are brought up, they can never defend their position against them.
Loesch speaks for all of us who are so tired of the phony scandal angle coming from progressive degenerates. It’s beyond insulting and if the IRS, NSA, Benghazi scandals are all phony and fake then why in the beginning was his majesty angry and promising to get to the bottom of them?
“Oh my God” was an understatement at the end when Hannity allowed this dem lap dog to comment on the emperors failed foreign policy saying 0 “has a very strong record on national security”! Never bringing anyone to justice over Benghazi, having the US on the run, closing 20 embassies in the middle east is not a strong record!