Obama: Failure to Act on Syria Would Embolden Iran

Newsflash for you Barry, the Iranians don’t care what you do. If you think they will fear you and back off their nuclear program because you do some surgical strikes in Syria you are insanely delusional. I will bet they will only accelerate their nuclear program and that goes for all rogue nations developing WMD’s.

There were four key points I was waiting to hear spelled out by Judge Andrew Napolitano that would give obama the authority to strike Syria. I can tell those of you who were spared from listening to obama’s drivel he never touched on any of them. Syria has not attacked the US nor are they about/ imminent threat to attack the US, no country has been attacked asking for US aid, and since Syria NEVER SIGNED the UN treaty on chemical weapons they are not in violation where the UN would authorize action!

YES innocent men, women and children have died from the use of chemical weapons but that is not a threat to the US or any of our allies. Israel is prepared for this and they can take care of themselves! The emperor knowing he has nothing did a Hail Mary claiming no action would embolden our enemies like Iran. Under his logic of acting in the interests of national security for the US a strike is necessary to deter anyone from pursuing weapons of mass destruction.

Full speech