“Well first it’s not our responsibility. Secondly whatever we do won’t actually accomplish anything useful. Third it’s expensive and fourth it’s dangerous.”
OMG hell must be freezing over because I’m finding myself in total agreement with Alan Grayson AND he even got under MSNBC’s Alex Witt’s skin! Normally Ogre is running his mouth blaming republicants for the damage done to the nation the demoncrats are also responsible for. You can see the agitation by Witt trying to get Grayson to agree on anything in favor of an attack, it was very entertaining to watch.
The congressman slammed dunked Alex Witt explaining his position is that of the majority of Americans and will continue to grow. Witt probably assumed he would be in agreement with the regime and it’s propaganda network instead he spoke the way an elected official is supposed to speak putting America first saying “we have our own problems to deal with and we’re not the world’s policeman, nor the world’s judge jury and executioner!”
Grayson held his ground during the entire segment that regardless of what’s reported there is no cause for the US to get involved even knowing that chemical weapons were used.
We don’t know who used the weapons and even if we did there is no threat to America. So sorry Mr Soetoro under the War Powers Act you have nothing to stand on. I can’t believe I’m saying this but let’s give libs like Grayson the support he needs to stop obama from launching a retaliatory attack in Syria. You can sign Grayson’s petition @DontAttackSyria.com