Ben Stein: Obama Shouldn’t Be President, If Govt Was a Bank ‘It Would Be Charged With Criminal Fraud’ for the Repeated Lies

Can’t keep your health plan, can’t keep your doctor and some hospitals! Stein is dead on that if anyone else in banking or a business of some kind did would his majesty has done they would already be facing jail time for fraud. Darth Husseinâ„¢ and his minions continue to this day to push blatant lies because no one is holding them accountable. When things get bad he waves his magic pen and rewrites the law to protect socialists up for re-election. Congress is completely useless now as they sit back and do nothing.

Oh don’t you worry I’m sure Issa and company will have hearings putting on the typical show like we have seen for Fast & Furious, benghazi, IRS etc and where have any of those gotten us? Is anyone in jail for all those scandals? NO! And don’t hold your breath to see anyone behind bars either it will never happen. We are on our own until we throw everyone out and can get some real leaders in office.