Fmr Navy SEAL Ben Smith Rips Obama, Drops Koran on Ground

CAIR, radical islam sympathizing leftists to whine in 3,2..
Fmr Navy SEAL Ben Smith vehemently attacked obama for his marxist beliefs in socialism and communism but also for bending over to radical islam and the Muslim Brotherhood. Smith will of course be attacked by leftist drones, CAIR and islamic radicals for dropping a copy of the Koran on the ground during is speech at the South Carolina TEA Part Coalition Convention. What I see here is a man who took an oath to protect this nation very frustrated with a govt bowing to our enemies. Radical islamists protected by the obama regime destroy and burn Christian churches, attack and kill Christians get a pass, let’s see how long until Smith is under fire for simply dropping a koran on the floor!

Full speech

Watch more speeches from the 2014 South Carolina TEA Party Convention here