Minister of Propaganda: Obamacare ‘Absolutely Worth It’ if Dems Lose the Senate

What does this say if the regime is willing to lose Senate seats? It tells me something I have been warning about that the republicans are being set up to take the blame for a massive collapse coming. Think about it the disastrous obamacare bill was rammed through against the people’s will, the economy is not in a recovery barely hanging on through the fed printing money, there is no trust between the people and DC. The groundwork is being laid for major shift in political power in DC under republican control if things go the way many hope. But what if this is all just part of an elaborate plan which will lead to one party rule?

You know come Jan 2015 whomever is in power takes the blame for whatever happens to the nation. Consider republicans gaining a majority and because of the damage done by progressives things still tank… tank under a GOP majority with a democrat president. Think of the power that will give dems in the next election cycle?! That will give the democrat/socialist/ progressive party all the ammo in the public eyes they will ever need going into the 2016 election. They are already stacking the courts with leftists, making it easy for illegals to come into the country pushing amnesty. The perfect storm is coming our way and I hope I am wrong, but I tend to be right about bad things!