WH senior advisor David Simas claims nearly 4 mil people will be eligible for Medicaid coverage because of obamacare but the truth is only 380,000 people are eligible! Didn’t end there because the emperors twitter account reported 6 mil Americans have healthcare which is a lie as well!
The imperial regime continues to lie to the nation about obamacare. They keep stretching out enrollment numbers boasting that the obaminable law is a success regardless of the problems with its rollout. They want people to believe the technical issues like NO security are just “bumps in the road” and everything is sunshine and lollipops!
Congress of course remains silent and I’m sorry to say they will change their tune very soon in trying to rid the nation of this law. I look forward to seeing more people getting screwed from this law, mainly those who supported obama and the socialist party. Maybe then you all will wake up and join those of us in the wake up. They lie about obamacare do you really think they are honest about anything else like Benghazi, IRS and NSA not spying on us?